Panel - Studying for the Hollywood Industry Career
Friday, October 20, 2023
10:35 AM - 12:00 PM (PDT)
This panel features 4 OCSA alumni who have recently graduated and are pursuing careers in the Hollywood industry. Cassandra Hsiao was accepted to all 8 Ivy Leagues when she graduated from OCSA, eventually choosing Yale. She is currently a Development Assistant for Small Dog Picture Company, a production shingle under 20th Television. Soorim Lee is a film & television writer/director and photographer based in NYC and LA who graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Columbia University. Hannah Robison currently works for Warner Music Group in pursuit of her dream job in songwriting. Hannah transferred from community college to UCLA. Rachel Yuan went to University of Georgia for Entertainment and Media Studies while also getting her MBA during undergrad. She currently works for Imagine Entertainment under director Ron Howard.
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