Full Name
Erika Flener
Job Title
Founder and Planning Specialist
Institution Name
Big Picture College Planning
Speaker Bio
Erica Flener graduated from UC Berkeley with High Distinction. Her graduate work is in counseling and creative writing. She created her approach to exploring students’ passions and locating best-fit colleges when she worked as a high school counselor for Americorps: Destination College 14 years ago. Since then, Erica spent seven years as Assistant Director of Admissions & Undergraduate Studies, for both undergraduate and graduate programs at UCLA, including within the School of Theater, Film & Television. At UCLA, she also taught an academic readiness course and facilitated workshops on serving students with learning differences. Erica served as a Freshman Application Reader for UC Berkeley and currently sits on the California Alumni Association Scholarship Committee, where she reads essays and interviews applicants. Erica is also a member of the Dean’s Society for The School of Engineering at UC Berkeley. Erica has consulted for the Admissions Office of Pepperdine University and Chapman University.